Copy SharePoint Designer workflow

Never try to copy workflows in SharePoint designers because the copied workflow will be linked to the source workflow. Copying a workflow using ctrl+c does not create two separate workflows but only creates a second instance of the source workflow.

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SharePoint Workflow: Coercion Failed

Errors occurring in SharePoint Workflows are sometimes confusing. The main problem with workflow errors is that they don’t tell you in which step of the workflow they happened.

In the past weeks I quite often had to deal with this errror:
„Coercion Failed: Unable to transform the input lookup data into the requested type.“
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Lessons Learned: SharePoint Designer Custom Activities

SharePoint Custom Workflow Activities are a powerful way for expanding SharePoints workflow functionalities in SharePoint 2013. Implementing the activities is straightforward  but deployment can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore I have collected some infos  you should keep in mind before deploying a new custom activity. I hope this will help some people to make deployment of custom activities a bit easier.

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